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Emergency Management - Policy on Managing Utilities
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It is the policy of the Lander Regional Hospital to adequately keep a record of alternate utilities available on site and have alternate means of providing for essential utilities and/or equipment on site. 

1.The Lander Regional Hospital has identified the alternative means of providing for the following utilities: electricity, water for consumption, essential care, equipment and sanitary, fuel, ventilation, med gas, etc. 

2.The Form III: Inventory and Sustainability Response Tool has the information on the alternative source, location, check process, and quantity.

3.There are also names of vendors and/or contractors that can provide those alternative sources if not accessible on site. The listing of the names and phone numbers is located on the HICS 258- Hospital Resource Directory. 

4.There are also MOU/MOA with other healthcare organizations within the community and for outside the community for alternative sources.